• Ages 4+
• Includes a diagnostic interview, review of records, review of developmental history, intelligence/cognitive testing, achievement testing, ADHD testing, and screenings for behavioral, emotional and social issues.
• Ages 6 +
• Includes a diagnostic interview, review of records, review of developmental history, intelligence/cognitive testing, and achievement testing.
• Ages 4 to 5
• Includes intelligence/cognitive testing, achievement testing (reading and math only), and brief parent/child interview.
• Ages 12+
• Includes a diagnostic interview, review of records, review of developmental history, intelligence/cognitive and memory testing, brief achievement testing, assessment of neurodivergent conditions (if applicable), and screenings for behavioral, emotional and social issues. This type of evaluation is specifically tailored and personalized to address specific areas of concern and referral question.
• Ages 4 +
• Includes diagnostic interview, review of records, IQ testing, personality testing, and various other measures to assess behavioral, emotional, and/or social issues. This type of evaluation is specifically tailored and personalized to address specific areas of concern and referral question.
• Ages 4+
• Includes a diagnostic interview, review of records, review of developmental history, intelligence/cognitive assessments, Autism-specific assessments, and screenings for behavioral, emotional, and social issues.
• Ages 4 +
• Includes a diagnostic interview, review of records, review of developmental history, intelligence/cognitive assessments, ADHD-specific measures, and screenings for behavioral, emotional, and social issues.
• Ages 18 +
• Includes a diagnostic interview, review of records, personality testing, and screenings for behavioral, emotional, and social issues.
• Ages 14 +
• Includes a diagnostic interview, review of records, personality testing, substance use specific measures, and screenings for other behavioral, emotional and social issues.
• Ages 14 +
• Includes a diagnostic interview, review of records, intelligence/cognitive and memory testing, personality testing, substance use specific measures, and screenings for other behavioral, emotional and social issues.